It has been pouring rain all day today, and as much as I have been itching all winter to don the new polka-dot pastel knee-high rainboots, I somehow find myself wishing for snow. Could it be due to the fact that I happened upon an incredible deal on a pair of snowshoes??? I am beside myself with excitement and am already planning a solo expedition out into the wilderness the second it starts snowing again. Then again, I think I should start out by practicing in my back yard first and then take it from there. Also, there have been reported coyote sightings in these parts, so maybe a solo expedition isn't such a great idea. Perhaps a local golf course would prove safer. No matter. The details will work themselves out as they always do. In the meantime, I will dream about a Robert Frost-like afternoon of snow falling gently on cedars whilst I take a meditative walk in the woods. Perhaps I can convince the husband to join me, although he doesn't own a pair of snowshoes, and as much as I was willing to fork out another $35 for a pair for him, the weight restriction only went up to 176 lbs. and I did not marry a 176 lb. Italian man. In fact, I'm not sure that a 176 lb. Italian man exists, at least not one over the age of 15! I will just have to leave the snowshoe shopping to him.
I promised myself that I would get out this winter and partake in as many enjoyable outdoor activities possible. It is now March 5 and thus far, I have participated in the following outdoor winter activities: walking, shovelling snow, cleaning off my car, and, I think that about wraps it up. I best get out on our backyard skating rink before this balmy spring-like thaw takes over. I hope to skate, snowshoe, and maybe even make a snowman and a snow angel before the month of March expires.
In the meantime, I will enjoy winter from the safe and warm confines of my white Ikea sofa by the window, with three cats purring on my lap, while I sip my blackcurrant tea.
Somebody hand me my polar fleece pink throw please...Until next time.. Happy winter